Oh yes, I'll say I am gay, but of course without a hesitant bone in my body I will explain what an IUI is, then there's also; invitro, or adoption... shall I go on?
Not considering that, it isn't any of your buisness how I get pregnant, I don't know you, but still, I will...
Because it's normal to be curious, it's normal to wonder, and how would they know unless they had friend that had fertility problems.
Yes, like all my friends say ( you always make excuses for other people's bad behaviour or misinformation)... I've always believed that there is always two sides to each story, so I give people chances.
There still is people out there though that grew up believing some things that don't add up to today's society, and I for one respect that.
There are people that chose to be hateful with their opinions of what's right and wrong and I find that to be very harmful. Not just to me but to everyone.
If you believe something to be your truth, don't you owe that to everyone else to let them believe their own truths? Why does it matter ?
That's when it comes down to choices, you can either chose to say" okay, I believe a man should be with a women, but if women wants to be with women or men with men, then that's their choice"
A Choice!!! -No I don't mean, chosing to be gay, you are born that way. Choice as in, not chosing to be straight if your gay, same as why would a straight person chose to be gay.
It is absolutely one of the hardest thing someone has to do, and definitely the easiest way to find out how much your family truly cares... ( But that's another rant, for another day.)
Believe me I didn't get the good outcome. I deffinetely did not chose this.
Deep down at the root of all the discrimination, like everything else, for a lot of people there is always the fear of the unknown, and this is always involved in every prejudices. Sometimes people just don't understand because their not living it.
I once saw this text on Facebook, where a women Said this and I quote;
" X: I don't mind gay people but I don't want my kids to watch them on tv because I don't want them to turn gay."
Y: Yeah same here, I don't let my kids watch black people on tv, incase they turn black.
X: But being black isn't a choice.
Y: exactly... "

It's comments or ignorence like this that, that makes me dissapointed in society. Even if you have an opinion, it doesn't have to make you, ummm what's the word I'm looking for? Unlogical?, unrealistic?.. Other words come to mind, but it's not worth it to stoop down to that level now is it.
So I guess my point is, why can't everyone just BE! I know the questions need to happen, for societies knowledge to grow, but I hope and see a future with no judgement and only acceptance!
I hope for a futur where my son or daughter can go to school, to their friends and say yes I have two mommies and I'm proud of it.
I hope that they dont even have to explain why because parents should, by then, explain to their children that there are kids with two mommies, two dad's, and ect.
To a brighter future!